Influence from others or circumstance
In a survey that was conducted, seventy percent of women that chose to abort their baby believed that it was immoral to do. The reason many of these woman who believed abortion was immoral got an abortion was because they were pressured from many people and were pressured by circumstance. The truth is, hundreds and even thousands of woman every year get unwanted abortions in order to please someone else or because they are being pressured by someone. In an additional survey, eighty percent of the women that had gotten an abortion and are experiencing post-abortion problems stated that “they would have carried their child to term if they had more support from friends and family.” This shows how much influence others have on pregnant girls and how much they pressure a girl to get an abortion. For example, in the online document, one woman stated that her family did not agree with her decision as they did not support her decision to keep her baby. She mentioned that her significant other would not support her emotionally or financially and that all the people she cared about told her to abort the baby. The pregnant girl ended her statement by stating that “I was scared to not do it because of how my family and boyfriend felt. I’m so angry at myself for giving into the pressure of others.” Unfortunately, this woman is no longer alive as the emotional pain of the abortion caused her to attempt suicide shortly after the abortion. This shows how much pressure the girl got to get an abortion, which ultimately forced her to get one and do something she did not want to do, which emotionally and morally destroyed her, and eventually led to her tragic suicide. In conclusion, tons of women every year get abortions they do not want or feel comfortable with. The majority of these woman have mentioned that they have gotten these unnecessary abortions to satisfy someone or because they have been forced or coerced to get one by their sexual partners, parents, social workers, counselors, employers, or school administrators. The people that were just mentioned above all influence a girl tremendously in their decision to get an abortion. The amount of influence each person has on the girl depends on the girl’s age and how close the girl’s relationship is with that person. For example, many women have stated that a boyfriend or parent has threatened to throw them out onto to the street if they failed to comply, and refused to get an abortion. Some have said that a boss had given them an employment ultimatum if they did not get an abortion which seriously pressured some girls to get one. Also, some girls, as mentioned at a source, were afraid of being social outcasts in high school and having a certain reputation which would make them feel ashamed. These girls stated that they were forced and pressured by circumstance to get an abortion against their will. Lastly, in a survey that consisted of 252 post-abortive women, more than fifty percent of the women said they felt “forced” and “influenced” by others to get an abortion.
Personal Reasons
A vast majority of woman (over 90%) want abortions for personal reasons. These personal reasons can be broken down into several sub-reasons. Firstly, 21% of women believe that they are not financially or economically well enough and are afraid that they won’t be able to afford to look after a baby which prompts them to get an abortion. Another 21% of women do not feel that they are ready or fit for the responsibility of raising a child and decide to get an abortion to take this burden off their shoulders. 16% of women feel that their life would be altered too much by the birth of a baby. This is because many women are looking to further their education or career, indicating that they have plans for the future, which does not allow time for them to raise a child at the present moment. Some women in this position say they are looking after an elderly parent, which again does not allow them any time to bring up a baby at the current moment. 12% of females get an abortion because they feel that their relationship with their partner is in difficulty or danger. These women are afraid of losing their partner by telling him they are pregnant, and decide to get an abortion in order to avoid anymore tension from being placed on the relationship. 11% of teenage girls choose abortions because they do not want to be tormented at school and be called inappropriate names for becoming pregnant. So, to avoid any harassment, these girls choose abortions and they kill their own baby. In addition, many of these pregnant teenagers choose abortions because they feel as if they are too young and are not fit to be mothers. These girls believe they will not be able to raise the baby effectively and efficiently, and decide to kill the baby impulsively with an abortion, without even giving birth first and trying to see if they could make it work (Raising the baby themselves). Lastly, 8% of pregnant women choose to get an abortion for the personal reason that their children are all grown up, and they do not want to raise another child so late in their marriage, or because they feel they have all the kids they want. I find this reason to be very stupid because when a woman gets married in a Church, they agree to welcome all children in their life no matter what the circumstances are. After conducting a survey at school, I found out that 85% of the grade 10 students I surveyed believe life begins at the moment of conception. However, despite this high number, almost 42% of them agreed with abortion as the best option to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. I believe that this number is so high because many of them think that this is the only way to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy, and do not know any solutions other than abortion, so they become pro-abortion. This is I think another reason why pregnant girls get abortions because they think that they have no other options, other than abortion. Many of these personal reasons in which women get abortions for are fueled and influenced by other factors, as influence alone is one of the reasons for a woman getting an abortion. These influences or sparks of abortion include pressure from a girl’s parents to have an abortion, the woman feels that she lacks the emotional and physical strength to go through another pregnancy and raise a child; the woman believes that raising an additional child would short-change her existing children, the woman is a student and/or without a partner and feels that raising a child would be too difficult and disruptive for her life, and the woman doesn’t want other people to know that she has become pregnant. In addition, some women’s personal reasons are sparked by physical abuse from a parent learning of their pregnancy, or by being tossed out onto the street if the woman’s parents learn of her pregnancy.
Medical Reasons
About 6% of women get abortions because the women or the fetus has a medical problem. Some women who seek abortions for this reason get them because their fetus might have been exposed to some kind of alcohol or drugs, which may cause the fetus to be genetically damaged, thus, leading women to get abortions so they do not have to raise a child like that. Furthermore, the fetus may have a birth or genetic defect, or any kind of health problem which causes many women to contemplate abortion. Most partners who find out their child will be born with “Down’s Syndrome” or an identical defect choose to have an abortion. Some teenage girls who become pregnant choose an abortion, as pregnancies at a very young age are dangerous and the teenage girl is scared. Next, some women may develop eclampsia during the pregnancy. This involves a sudden increase in blood pressure, and an onset of seizures. The results can be fatal to both the woman and the fetus. This used to be called “toxemia of pregnancy”. If this happens, most women terminate their pregnancies (abortion) to save their own life, which ultimately kills their baby. The last medical reason for which women choose to get abortions for is because they might be having a multiple pregnancy. This is a pregnancy in which the woman is giving birth to not one, but three, four, or even five children. Due to this, some or all the fetuses will end up with various long-term health problems when they are born, or some will not even survive the birth at all. Thus, a woman gets an abortion in order to kill a few of the fetuses in her womb, so the remaining fetuses will be born normally without any health problems.
Abusive Sexual Acts
1% of women get an abortion because conception occurred due to an abusive sexual act. This reason to get an abortion is the least common among women, but several women get an abortion for this reason. These women choose to get an abortion because conception has occurred after a rape or an incestuous relationship, and the woman does not want to raise a child conceived this way. The fact that the pregnancy occurred from a rape, for example, indicates violence to some women, and some women do not want to bring into the world a baby that was conceived this way.